Neha-Chem Manufacturer Exporter of Biological, Stains, PH Indicator, Color, Solvent, Basic, Dyes, Phase, Transfer, Catalyst logo.
biological  stains, PH indicator color, solvent dyes and basic dyes

Product Name C.I. No. CAS No.
Acrydine Orange 46005 10127-02-3
Alizarin 58000 72-48-0
Alizarin Red S 58005 13-22-3
Aniline Blue W/S 42780 28983-56-4
Auromine O 41000 2465-27-2
Biebrich Scarlet 26905 4196-99-0
Bismark Brown Y 21000 10114-58-6
Brilliant Blue G250 42655 6104-58-1
Chromotrope 2B 16575 548-80-1
Chromotrope 2R 16570 4197-07-3
Cresyl Violet Acetate --- 10510-54-0
Eosin B 45400 18472-87-2
Eosin Y Free Acid 45380.2 15086-94-9
Eosin Y Sodium Salt 45380 17372-87-1
Erichrome Black T 14645 1787-61-7
Erythrosine B 45430 568-63-8
Evans Blue 23860 314-13-6
Fast Blue B-Salt 37235 14263-94-6
Fast Green FCF 42053 2353-45-9
Fluorescein 45350.1 2321-07-5
Fluorescein W/S 45350 518-47-8
Fuchsin Acid 42685 3244-88-0
Fuchsin Basic 42500 569-61-9
Gentian Violet 42555 548-62-9
Giemsa Stain ---- 51811-82-6
Indigo Carmine 73015 860-22-0
Indophenol Blue 49700 132-31-0
Janus Green B 11050 2869-83-2
Leishman Stain --- 42249-61-6
Leuco Crystal Violet --- 603-48-5
Malachite Green 42000 4569-64-2
Malachite Green Oxalate 42000 2437-29-8
May-Grundwald Stain --- ---
Metanil Yellow 13065 587-98-4
Methylene Blue 52015 7220-79-3
Methyl Blue 42780 28983-56-4
Methyl Green 42585 7114-03-06
Methyl Violet 2B 42535 8004-87-3
Napthol Green B 10020 19381-50-1
Product Name C.I. No. CAS No.
Neutral Red 50040 553-24-2
Nigrosin W/S 50420 8005-03-6
Nile Red --- 7385-67-3
Ninhydrin --- ---
Oil Red O 26125 1320-06-5
Orange II 15510 633-96-5
Orange G 16230 1936-15-8
Pararosaniline Acetate --- 6035-94-5
Pararosaniline HCL 42500 569-61-9
Patent Blue A 42080 3486-30-4
Patent Blue VF 42045 129-17-9
Phenosafranine 50200 81-93-6
Phloxine B 45410 18472-87-2
Ponceau 4R 16255 2611-82-7
Ponceau S 27195 6226-79-5
Quinoline Yellow 47000 8003-22-3
Resazurin --- 62758-13-8
Rhodamine B 45170 81-88-9
Rose Bengal 45440 632-69-9
Safranine O 50240 477-73-6
Sudan III 26100 85-86-9
Sudan IV 26105 85-83-6
Sudan Red 7B 26050 6368-72-5
Tatra Bromo Phenol Blue --- 108321-10-4
Tartrazine 19140 1934-21-0
Titan Yellow 19540 1829-00-1
Toluidine Blue O 52040 92-31-9
Trypan Blue 23850 72-57-1
Victoria Blue B 44045 2580-56-5
Wright's Stain --- 68988-92-1
Aliazarin Complexon --- ---
Aliazarin Yellow G (G) --- ---
Aliazarin Yellow G (R) --- ---
-Sulfonic Acid
--- ---
Bromo Phenol Red --- ---
Chloro Phenol Red --- ---
Ethyl Orange --- ---
Fluorescein Complexon --- ---

Product Name CAS No.
Bromochlorophenol Blue
Sodium Salt
Bromocresol Purple 115-40-2
Bromocresol Purple
Sodium Salt
Bromophenol Blue ACS 115-39-9
Bromophenol Blue
Sodium Salt ACS
Bromothymol Blue ACS 76-59-5
Bromothymol Blue
Sodium Salt ACS
Calconcarboxylic Acid 3737-95-9
Calmagite 3147-14-6
Chlorophenol Red 4430-20-0
o-Cresolphthalein 596-27-0
o-Cresolphthalein Complexone 2411-89-4
Cresol Red 1733-12-6
Cresol Red Sodium Salt 62525-29-0
Ethyl Orange Sodium Salt 62758-12-7
Litmus Powder 132-33-2
Product Name CAS No.
Methyl Orange ACS 547-58-0
Methyl Red Free
Acid ACS
Methyl Red HCL ACS 63451-28-5
P.A.N. 85-85-8
P.A.R. 1141-59-9
Patent Blue VF 129-17-9
Phenolphthalein ACS 77-09-8
Phenol Red ACS 143-74-8
Phenol Red Sodium Salt ACS 34487-61-1
SPADNS 23647-14-5
Thymol Blue ACS 76-61-9
Thymol Blue Sodium
Salt ACS
Thymolphthalein ACS 125-20-2
Xylenol Orange Tetrasodium
Salt ACS
1 Naphthol Benzein  
1 Naphtholphthalein  
Thymolphthalein Complexon  

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